Sunday 27 November 2011

A busy day..

Today will go out to attend an event again..

going out to help in running the event.. I am happy and enjoy all the process..

I back at 5 somethings in the evening.. tiring...


today morning is my last paper.. yeah...

finally finish le....

But a sad things id my roommate wan back her hometown le.. left me alone in room again..
but never mind la.. she also need to gather with her family de.. I must felt happy with her...

Roommate, I will miss u de..

25/11/2011 Majlis Perlancaran

Finally this day is our big day...

Unfortunetly, I have UBS exam tonight. OMG.. y a?? I wan go there a...
but for exam, I must go de... sad nia..

But I have confident with me committee member, they definitely will make it de..

I proud be a part of them...

Here is their success....

from tuesday to thursday... (22/12 to 24/12)

This few day busying for preparation for our PAP Majlis Perlancaran that will be held in DAM...

Every Exco work together to make sure that the things can run well.. I like the feeling that the time we work together... very nice...

I appreciate it..

PTUM (21/11/2011)

This monday i will go UM.. yeah~~

I go Pesta Tanglung UM with all PAP friends... That night really enjoyable n fun.. I cal also learn how a event run and the things that we need to take note..

This definitely will help us in the coming event for PAP (Pesta Ang Pow)... All committee member become more closer to each other le.. that is a good things..

I more and more love this big family le..

My Mid Sem Exam

My exam a.. really disappointed...

I dint study well and make my exam worst.. The subject that I most worry is my statistic.. I dint study statistic in Form 6, so I really din have confident to score good result in statistic..

But the lucky things is my roommate is professional in statistic, so I can ask her anythings i dont know.. haha... hope I can make it well in my final exam...

Gambeteh, KITTY~~~

My blog a...

This few days i busy my activities and exam and almost forget write my blog a...

Now faster update my blog le lo..

This few days happen so many things... let me more felt that UKM really a busy life...

Monday 14 November 2011

Pengambilan AJK PAP ke-18

2day start Pengambilan AJK Pesta Ang Pow Ke-18.. the event held in pusanika..

Hope many many plp can come n join.. this really a good experience 4 us.. I learn a lots of things here..

Hope that many students can come n join then learn somethings new..



this mid sem break i cannot back hometown.. i have activities to run this few days..
although cant back home, feel very sad but I learn somethings new through this event..


Exam is coming but my preparation is nt enough.. how o?? feel very scard n worry..

hope i really can do well 2moro..