Monday 12 December 2011


Today is starting to register courses le..

at 11/11/11 11.50pm, me n roomate waiting for register.

but many courses still din out yet...I cant register lo~~

hope this semester de timetable is ok de...

Weekend and holiday

This two day only at kolej and doing all my activities and study things..

Everything here need computer to complete it.. My eyes really painful seeing the computer for the whole day... but without computer, I cant do anythings..

Hope all my things can settle..

PTUKM (10/12/2011)

Today go n attend an event..

An event that organize by Pesta Tanglung. A lots of people attend the event..
At there, I meet with my old friend that come from other university.. Happy to meet them there..
Long time din see them le..

The drama is nice.. After all, I also have the opportunity to take picture with the actress.. This is a good experience for me...

Sunday 11 December 2011

Roomate again..

My dear roomate..

We take picture la.. haha~~

Outing to do project~~ (8/12)

Today we do paly bowling... This is my group project for Pembangunan Diri..

All member go and play there. We take a lots of picture...
By doing this activities, we know each others more..

Feeling goods~~

First meeting with AJK..

Nervous.. nervous~~

Dunno wat to say..
Actually this is only informal meeting.. then no need so strict..

but happy to know more friends..
My AJK, Lets us together fight to complete our task... yeah~~

Busy Life Starting~~

Left no more tiem l, I must add oil and work hard le..

Many aktivities is pending and also my project and my study..
Back from home to UKm, is the time to start work and study hard le..

KITTY, Gambateh~~

Going Back Home (1/12 -4/12)

I finally can back home le..
I really happy.. but a;so have things to do.. haiz..
Hope everything fast settle so that I can rest enough...
I miss my family...

My family.. love them very much~

Sunday 27 November 2011

A busy day..

Today will go out to attend an event again..

going out to help in running the event.. I am happy and enjoy all the process..

I back at 5 somethings in the evening.. tiring...


today morning is my last paper.. yeah...

finally finish le....

But a sad things id my roommate wan back her hometown le.. left me alone in room again..
but never mind la.. she also need to gather with her family de.. I must felt happy with her...

Roommate, I will miss u de..

25/11/2011 Majlis Perlancaran

Finally this day is our big day...

Unfortunetly, I have UBS exam tonight. OMG.. y a?? I wan go there a...
but for exam, I must go de... sad nia..

But I have confident with me committee member, they definitely will make it de..

I proud be a part of them...

Here is their success....

from tuesday to thursday... (22/12 to 24/12)

This few day busying for preparation for our PAP Majlis Perlancaran that will be held in DAM...

Every Exco work together to make sure that the things can run well.. I like the feeling that the time we work together... very nice...

I appreciate it..

PTUM (21/11/2011)

This monday i will go UM.. yeah~~

I go Pesta Tanglung UM with all PAP friends... That night really enjoyable n fun.. I cal also learn how a event run and the things that we need to take note..

This definitely will help us in the coming event for PAP (Pesta Ang Pow)... All committee member become more closer to each other le.. that is a good things..

I more and more love this big family le..

My Mid Sem Exam

My exam a.. really disappointed...

I dint study well and make my exam worst.. The subject that I most worry is my statistic.. I dint study statistic in Form 6, so I really din have confident to score good result in statistic..

But the lucky things is my roommate is professional in statistic, so I can ask her anythings i dont know.. haha... hope I can make it well in my final exam...

Gambeteh, KITTY~~~

My blog a...

This few days i busy my activities and exam and almost forget write my blog a...

Now faster update my blog le lo..

This few days happen so many things... let me more felt that UKM really a busy life...

Monday 14 November 2011

Pengambilan AJK PAP ke-18

2day start Pengambilan AJK Pesta Ang Pow Ke-18.. the event held in pusanika..

Hope many many plp can come n join.. this really a good experience 4 us.. I learn a lots of things here..

Hope that many students can come n join then learn somethings new..



this mid sem break i cannot back hometown.. i have activities to run this few days..
although cant back home, feel very sad but I learn somethings new through this event..


Exam is coming but my preparation is nt enough.. how o?? feel very scard n worry..

hope i really can do well 2moro..

Sunday 30 October 2011


Already 3 days din c my roomate le.. so miss her..

Finally she will back today... haha..

I have somebody chat with me in room le.. haha~~

Weekend 30/10

Another function..

After yesterday pizza, we continue today with steamboat.. haha~~

So many things to eat.. Although the preparation is quit hard, but we really enjoy eating...

wah.. finally.. my stomach so full...

Happy that night.. n tiring...

Weekend 29/10

Tonight I having my dinner with my commate.. we order domino pizza..
All six of us.. so happy.. chating, take photo n laugh together..

After that do some revision together.. haha..

Power Point Assignment - Green Technology

Tuesday 25 October 2011

back ukm

so miss my roomate..

finally back can meet her le.. huray..

going back home

haha.. finally can back home le..

this week more free compared to other week, then i choose to back home..

I drink my mum cooking dishes and soup.. wah.. so delicious..
especially the soup, cant get it at ukm de..

Although the time is short, but i really enjoy it..

Thanks mum.. I love my family..

Sunday 16 October 2011


2day actually have sukem de.. but v dont have the set, then our kolej only sent one wakil to go competition...

sad nia..

that day we register, the pengurus also don say anything a.. dint say must have the set only can participate..

nevermind la.. try next time.. haha~~

Outing with friends..

Finally can out shopping le lo..

buy a pair of shoe and also a single.. take many photo at there too..

but the money spend a lot.. wah...

Monday 10 October 2011

Uni life after 1 month

really many many activities in UKM.. but I only have 24 hours a day..

I want to participate many but cant.. haiz..
Still have a lots of homework waiting me a..

Can u give me more time a day?? a........

Sepuluh Ribu langkah...

9/9/11 I take part in an activity named sepuluh ribu langkah..

We start to wake 8km from stadium and around the whole ukm..
The process really very tiring leh..
I seem like is a old person, haha.. walk very slowly and realise that how important that sport is important..

Finally I get a Sijil from them, thanks you..

Monday 3 October 2011

Word Assignment - Green Technology

Com Night

Unbelievable I can be the com queen.. thanks to everyone... thanks senior..

Really happy last night.. haha..

Back to room also have a sweet dreams...

Friday 30 September 2011

First sick in UKM

I really dont like the feeling of sick in UKM...

I cant eat anything today... but still terpaksa eat a bit to enable me to eat medicine..
aiyo... can this sick away from me 4ever... hate it...

I must recover 2moro.. is a must... haha~~

Scholarship Ceremony

Finally I can go for my scholarship ceremony le lo... haha.. happy lo.. I take photo with all the receiptant and the director board.. Really a different experience for me.

But unfortunately, I fall sick today..I cant enjoy fully lo..sad nia...

Thanks to my parents that come from far away and bring me go to the ceremony..
Love my parents..

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tugasan Work..


Take pic with my direct today.. hehe.. u know, my direct very nice de..

Today go convo there n take picture with senior.. haha.. that feeling is great..

When is my graduation time a?? still so long.. huhu..

But anyway I will enjoy my uni life in UKM... Lets UKM give me an unforgotten memories...

Monday 26 September 2011


Hooo yeah...

First time outing with friends... We learn how to take ktm n monorail.. hehe~~ v go times square n sungai wang..
They search 4 dress because we need it on Sunday.. 
Finally all find wat they wan n buy it le.. haha.. Times Square things really very cheap only... haha

But when we back, KTM is so pack n v unable to get in to the ktm twice.. omg.. that terrible..
that is the experience i havent have..

But really happy la can go out with friends..
thanks Janet, Ming Chu, Kai Shuang, Yu Qian, Jisha n Siew Fang...

Wednesday 21 September 2011

my Light

Finally, I get my own room light.. I never think be4 that I can fix it myself..

Thanks Xiu Min..

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Hello everyone, my name is Wooi Chia Yee, can call me kitty also.
I am FEP first year bussiness student. I am the second in my family.. My family have 5 member~~ My parents, my brother, my sister and I.. I come from Kulim, Kedah. I always go Pulau Pinang to shopping and play there.. I love peneng food. The taste is nice and suitable me... Hope My uni life in UKM will be fun and excited.